Wednesday, October 5, 2011
How to make a Popsicle Stick Wave or Popsicle Stick Bomb
Kinetic Art is a self proposed new piece created by the Kinetic King.
3200 Sticks World Record
How to make this, a video presentation and explanation.
For More, Visit the Kinetic Kings Official Website :
Thursday, September 1, 2011
College Is back in session! Cheap Used Rental books! or Free Books!
E-Books are all the rage if you have a laptop, be sure to search for your book title in google with the word "pdf" or "ebook" after it. You'll be shocked to see that Google Books might have it available digitally (and searchable) for very cheap!
Or for a free option, The Inter Library Loan system is free for any public library. Find the ISBN number from Barnes and Noble, or from Amazon for the book you need, and check with your librarian to see if you can get the book for FREE! (or your schools library!)
Renting your books is super amazing cheap alternative if the first two options dont work for you!
Chegg Books: Is The Hottest Online Textbook Rental Service: Click To Visit Chegg Books
BookRenter: Rent Textbooks Online And Save Lots Of Money: Click To Visit BookRenter and always have great deals on your books too if you'd like to keep the book forever. Look up the ISBN numbers, and shop around.
and always remember, if you make friends on campus, split books. Its cheaper, and it means you get to hang out more often!
Good luck!
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
History Of Earthquakes in NJ
New Jersey
Earthquake History
On December 18, 1737, a damaging earthquake near New York City was felt throughout most of New Jersey. The strong earthquakes off Cape Ann, Massachusetts, in 1755, the New Madrid, Missouri, area in 1811 - 1812, at Riviere-Ouelle, Canada, in 1860, Wilmington, Delaware, in 1871, New York City, New York, in 1884, and Charleston, South Carolina, in 1886, all affected New Jersey.
A moderately strong earthquake on September 1, 1895, centered near High Bridge, was felt over a considerable area to the northeast and southwest. The total felt area covered points from Maine to Virginia in a long, narrow elliptical zone of about 92,000 square kilometers. Articles fell from shelves and buildings rocked (intensity VI) in several Hunterdon County towns. The shock was fairly sharp at Camden and Burlington. At Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, broken windows and overturned crockery were reported.
Moorestown and Riverton were shaken moderately (intensity V) on January 26, 1921. A rumbling noise was reported heard with this earthquake.
The highest intensity earthquake ever observed in New Jersey occurred on June 1, 1927, in the Asbury Park area. Three shocks were felt along the coast from Sandy Hook to Toms River. Maximum intensities of VII were observed at Asbury Park and Long Branch. Several chimneys fell, plaster cracked, and articles were thrown from shelves. The felt area extended over approximately 7,800 square kilometers.
On January 24, 1933, a sharp jolt was felt over central New Jersey from Lakehurst to Trenton. Although there is some doubt whether the shock was of seismic origin, the event was felt most strongly at Lakehurst, where people reported they were rolled out of bed (intensity V). Other people reported pictures shaken from walls. The shock was also felt at Bordentown, Burlington, Columbus, Englishtown, Freehold, Hightstown, New Egypt, Robbinsville, and White Horse.
Central New Jersey was disturbed again on August 22, 1938, by a shock somewhat stronger than the 1933 event. The earthquake caused minor damage at Gloucester City and Hightstown (intensity V). The total felt area was about 13,000 square kilometers, including bordering portions of Delaware and Pennsylvania. Glassware was broken at Gloucester City and Hightstown and some furniture was displaced at Pitman. A few windows and some glassware were reported broken at Ardmore, Pennsylvania. Four smaller shocks occurred on August 23rd and one on August 27th.
Residents of Salem County were startled by earthquake tremors on November 14, 1939, which caused more excitement than damage. The disturbance was reported felt from Trenton to Baltimore, Maryland, and from Cape May to Philadelphia and its adjoining counties. About 16,000 square kilometers were affected. Small objects were reported to have overturned at Deepwater, but little or no damage was noted.
Northeastern New Jersey experienced minor effects from an earthquake on September 3, 1951 that was apparently centered in Rockland County, New York. On March 23, 1957, a shock affected west-central New Jersey, near the site of the 1895 earthquake. Chimneys cracked (intensity VI), windows and dishes broke, and pictures fell at Lebanon. A cracked chimney was also reported from Hamden. At Long Valley some walls were cracked and plaster fell. The felt area was small in comparison with the other shocks previously described.
In northeastern Philadelphia and adjoining portions of New Jersey and Pennsylvania residents were alarmed by loud rumbling sounds on December 27, 1961. In New Jersey, the tremor was felt by many at Bordentown and Trenton, where houses shook (intensity V) and windows and dishes rattled. A similar disturbance affected much of the same area about seven years later when on December 10, 1968 an earthquake measured at magnitude 2.5 occurred in Burlington County. The press reported some broken windows. Intensity V effects were noted at Camden, Morrestown and at Darby and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. It was reported that toll booths on the Benjamin Franklin and Walt Whitman Bridges in Philadelphia trembled during the shock.
Most of New Jersey and adjoining portions of Delaware, Maryland, and Pennsylvania experienced a moderately strong earthquake on February 28, 1973. One town in southern Connecticut and one in eastern Virginia also reported the shock. The magnitude 3.8 tremor was centered in northwestern Salem County, near the Delaware River border with the State of Delaware. Observers reported cracked plaster (intensity V) at Laurel Springs and Penns Grove and cracked cinder blocks at Harrisonville. Also, small objects shifted and fell in several towns. Similar types of minor damage occurred in nearby areas of Delaware, Maryland, and Pennsylvania.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
LEAKED Osama Death Photos - HOAX, fakes, or real?
Leaked Leaks CIA FBI Autopsy death photo bin laden osama usama muerto muerte doht dead death shot shoost armas navy
Un-Official Osama Bin Laden Death Photo that are currently in circulation are questionable in origin, and truthful representation of imagery sought by many. Team Six and the White House still have to decide on a course of release.

Monday, May 2, 2011
Bin Laden Dead, Trump To Demand Proof. Photo Hoax Fake, Raw Video
Never Satisfied, Donald Trump, will most likely begin harassing the world media for the release of death photos of Bin Laden's body.
If he feels as successful as he did getting the media to cover the Birth Certificate problem, his drive to get them to do something else is a given. And even more following President Obama's roasting at the recent correspondence dinner, it would be his likely strategy to "get back" at Obama. If they never release them (the photos), the shift from Obamas Birth Certificate, will change into Bin Ladens death certificates.
Photos and Pictures of Osama Bin Laden will be requested first by Trump, then Fox New's Bill O'Reilly, then the rest of the world will follow in toe.
Look how they harassed the Jackson family to get the autopsy photo's released of Micheal.
Its a minor victory for us now, so lets celebrate, but Video of the Navy Seal Attack, will be declassified in 50 years. UPDATE: Mansion Video Just Added
Seth Meyers had excellent timing as well, as he joked Bin Laden was only on CSPAN, but apparently he was in a Pakistani mansion, livin' it up. Hooray capitalism.
There is only one photo currently available online, however, it most likely is digitally created.
Footage of the Mansion and Blood where he was killed
And located below is the EXTREMELY graphic photo that is circulating.
This is the Only Photo, and based on simple research, is an Unconfirmed Photo, and is Certainly A Fake.


Friday, April 29, 2011
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Blockbuster, DishNetwork, Wawa Gas Stations, Samsung, Partner For Fast Rentals
Blockbuster ( BLOAQ ), in its latest attempt to get noticed in the $1 rental kiosk market, has partnered with huge northeast convenience store and gas station chain WAWA in order to establish its kiosks in high traffic areas.
Wawa's of the east coast are known especially for having great hoagies, cheap gas, and of course, no-fee atm's available. There are times when they are so busy, which sometimes seems like always, that you will wait in a line to get to any of the previous mentioned conveniences.
Blockbuster may have found a huge untapped vein to setup its kiosks at. Regularly, you would find a competitive RedBox machine, or DVDxpress at a Walgreens, or a Super Market, but never at a High Traffic 24/7 convenience store. And Blockbuster may know what it is doing, in fact, near every checkout lane at Wawa right now, you can find a "Try Blockbuster Express for Free" coupon, setup in an attempt to get people hooked on a product they already know.
This information caused a 7% up spike in Blockbusters stock yesterday, and will most likely raise it more, as more of the machines go into operation. I have personally seen these machines already operation in the Cherry Hill, NJ and Philadelphia Area Wawa's.
It would move the already ULTIMATE Convenience store into the next level of really having everything you need 24/7.
Wawa, with a surprisingly similar number to how many blockbusters will remain open, has over 550 stores available in the east coast region. 210+ of which have gas stations available.
Lastly, Samsung has made available the on demand service on all new wifi/internet ready TV's they sell, available through blockbusters built in app.
UPDATE: Check out this link for a list of available stores.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Mcdonald's Fight Leads To Hit and Run. People Run over by car.
footage may be graphic.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Blockbuster Video and Dish Network Keep 500 Stores BLOAQ
If Dish Network has a substantially well thought out plan on how to keep the stores operating, and utilize the streaming capability that Blockbuster already had in place, it is extremely possible that Dish Network will be able to create a new market in a already NetFlix dominated corner.
Possibilities for a business overhaul can range from Blockbuster's original concept of renting online, and returning to a store or vice versa. What if DishNetwork makes available its entire ONDEMAND archive, and combines it with the blockbuster storefront? Imagine, a weekly membership fee, or a monthly fee, or just weekend fees to access your movies, shows, music, etc. HD included.
And lets not forget Blockbuster's other main draw to the storefronts. They get all New Release movies weeks before any other online retailer, or television store front. What if Dish Network attempts to tweak that over to their customer market. That'd be monumental.
I think there very well may be a chance for Blockbuster to remain in existence, and even though its stock is now teetering around $0.06 a share (BLOAQ Pink Sheets) we have to recognize that it is indeed remaining steady.
Giving a nationwide market, a storefront, like a Blockbuster being paired with television provider Dish Network, could have new market potential!
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
A&P 's Superfresh foods Westmont, NJ Store Lays of 18 Employees
"It's just not fair, and doesn't make sense to me. I have paid union dues to prevent this, and yet the union managed to do nothing for me," stated one of the many employees recently let go. "All the union gave me was a packet explaining how to apply for unemployment."
A&P has closed 32 stores in the region, and after a stiff union standoff, had to shift a majority of the staff from the other closing stores, people who have more time with the union and A&P, into this already struggling store. According to a release by the UFCW 1360 "The union contract stipulates that in the event of a store closing, there would be a shift of employees from a closing store to a operating one. The practice of 'Bumping' would take place." Bumping, as it would seem, would ensure longevity to its members with the most time, effectively doing nothing for its newest members. For example, a meat cutter with 25 years could take the spot of a meat cutter with 23 years. Or a Utility clerk with 5 years, could take the spot of a utility clerk with 4 years.
"I have been checking in the store for years, and I have never called out, or used a sick day. I always thought I did a great job, but it all counted for nothing when it came down to this." said one employee during checkout to a customer. "It's a real shame, the local customers get used to seeing so many faces for years, and just like that, overnight, it all changes."
The already struggling store has had its workforce cut back during normal business hours to attempt to make up for the regional loss in profits. "Some of us would commute over 40 minutes to work a 4 hour shift from a 16 hour work week." One customer commented during a recent shopping trip that one employee had a mountain of work in front of him in the produce department that would seem unsafe, yet still tried to make the best of his shift. "That kid over there said he has 4 hours to basically restock the entire department, clean it, but all of that salad bar away, and help customers. I'd be pulling my hair out if I walked into something like that."
According to several interviews with long time customers, of whom many are from the prominent senior community in the area, one senior summed up her sadness with the news. "The relationships that a lot of us[the seniors] have created with the young staff, will be heart breaking. The better amount of us share lots of great conversations and moments with these people. In fact during the holidays, I know several people have gone out of there way to make cookies or cards for some of the employees."
"We aren't just losing jobs in our area, we are removing the potential economic advantages of employing the local population. That money is going to go elsewhere and hurt our community in the long run." said Larry Mack of Haddon Twp., NJ. "The lower price project with Kelly Ripa wasn't the reason I wanted to go to that store, it was because I honestly wanted to shop where people knew me, and I knew them."
Final lay off days are scheduled to take place this coming Saturday 4/16/2011.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Westmont, NJ Superfresh In The News
A&P 's Superfresh foods Westmont, NJ Store Lays of 18 Employees, February 26, 2011
Mr Brent, Fiverr, and Press Releases
MrBrent on Fiverr Is your hookup for getting high level press release hits.
Friday, February 25, 2011
BulletStorm Demo How To Get More Points
It seems no one is writing down what they do so I will put a few pointers up as a Go along. ( In NO PARTICULAR ORDER!)
1. Light as many guys on fire with the screamer powerup before you do anything else. (lots of perks)
2. shoot everyone in the head, or ass. The game likes to make this a silly, yet productive point.
3. The green freaks heads put off a noxious gas, get a bunch of guys with it, and also get yourself with it. You get a perk for being under gas, and killing too.
4. drink the beer to the left, just after the where you use the beacon. (Just before you turn left and the girl yells, "FREAKS!" blue bottle, in a cart. Kill people drunk. for a lot of points.
5. try to avoid doing the same "kill" over and over again, even though VOODOO is hilarious.
6. make sure you use the machine gun (pickup) to kill at least a few guys with "FULL THROTTLE" then drop it. but light the guys on fire first.
7. before you do the go ahead and crush a wall of guys with the elevator shaft, use the charge up for the flail on a group of guys, (light them on fire first) and cut them down. you will get an array of things.
8. aim for various body parts, the legs, and the neck. there are some strange perks there too.
9. Leash the cieling at the very beginning and get a "DING DONG" by dropping stuff on the guy at the top of the ramp... for more points. quickly light them on fire, and kick the second guy over there.... two guys... multiple ding dongs. walka walka.
10. when you use the tenderizer(drop the elevator stay near the button and hold "LT" to get upto 500 bonus points.
(more to come)
Anchor Text: Bulletstorm How To Get More Points
Thursday, February 24, 2011
My Final Essays!
Starting from scratch is very hard, especially in a procrastination ridden world we have today, but if you are given half of the work, already done, you can tweak it to 100%. Its like a jumpstart for your mind.
(A 90 GOOD CONTENT!) is what my paper says!
anchor text:
My opinion of using research service, and results. This service was used to lay ground work for a research paper, and was not actually submitted. Although the quality was amazing. REMEMBER, Your college has strict guidelines on copying someone else's work and using it as your own. You may be removed from class, a semester, a year, or even college. Do not rely on plagiarism. Use it for good research instead!!
Friday, February 18, 2011
Friday, February 11, 2011
Low Man Power!
You can take vitamins and expect that to be enough, or you can actually start asking questions and even seek additional hints to get back in top man shape! offers you the solution, from someone who has experienced the ultimate loss of drive and energy for a true man.
Essentially it is possible to replace those lost vitamins, minerals, and hormonal deficieny with excercise, diet, and additional suppplements. Boost Your Low Testosterone is the one step solution to getting back into your teenage years, and leaving the gray hair, and cane in the dust!
Anchor Text: Boost Your Low Testosterone
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Sad Robot
Oddly enough, those off-the-wall impersonations are actually full of life and inspiration and so is Sad Robot's take on pop punk. The only problem is that the band didnt add even more tracks to the album since one simply cant get enough of the unique sound. "The Beginning of the End" is available now on Itunes, and allows you to embed the fantastical wave of melodies in your head as soon as possible.
Hollywood better look out as Sad Robot is going to make a very happy splash on the music scene.
Anchor Text: Sad Robot
Monday, February 7, 2011
Sandals and You
The Gladiators of course wore them for superb traction, and additional attachment of armor to the numerous straps. It was like an extension of their own body.
But also, in the heat of summer, it allowed for full air circulation. But in the early B.C.'s it was simple to have a shoe made for you at the shoesmith.
Today, with thousands of different manufacturers creating shoes in everysize from baby to senior citizen, everyone can be confused by the different styles. I found a website that describes every style in vivid detail, and it can help you decide how to pick the one that is right for you.
visit: to learn more about awesome gladiator sandals... Or if you are feeling ready to find out even more about all types of sandals... visit:
Anchor Text: Sandals Shoe Size
Sunday, February 6, 2011
What is it called? Search Engine Optimization (SEO) or Search Engine Marketing (SEM)
How do you do it? Gosh, If I understood it, I would certainly tell you all about it, but it could seem like learning a new language to someone who hasn't kept up on the buzzwords of internet marketing media giants.
Luckily, Philadelphia based Front Street Consulting,, has created a simple connection for small-medium business and individuals to reach the optimal audience in searches, and finally put up a decent fight against those conglomerate giants!
What about your "app" you developed? how can you achieve additonal revenue? FSC has thought of that one as well and created an additional point of helping you reach your mobile audience via mobile advertising. An epic jump into the future of smart phone advertising!
Don't wait another minute, I'd have to recommend using them right away and you'll see the results of your business with them within a day of their professional assistance!
Anchor Text: Front Street Consulting
Breakthrough Authors
Knowing a good author, and trying to find something similar is harder than standing in the aisle at Barnes and Noble and perusing the nearly endless stacks of books. Luckily, findind superb work from breakout authors was made easier thanks to
Authors Broadcast offers an itemized search of a variety of books, in an incredibly easy to understand video trailer that summarizes the plot.
Imagine finding a new author who is credible, published, and itching to get read by you!
Forget the everyday bestsellers that are on the front page of the newspapers, and really experience the truest form of reading by exploring something new!
Visit and start exploring new authors, from an exciting "movie" trailer point of view. Only now its a book video trailer. Sweet!
anchor text: Book Video Trailer
Fiverr Down for upgrades
check back later tonight after the superbowl. or during!
anchor text: fiverr down
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Why is 4chan down 10 12 2011
It would seem that after lots of traffic and server upgrades have taken down 4chan for a while.
Following the Cairo incidents, and the absurd amount of F5's by its users may have temporarily caused a backup on the site. will return shortly according to webmaster Moot.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
1967 Fender Stratocaster
Cheap Taylor Guitars
anchor text: Cheap Taylor Guitar
Finding a Cheap Taylor Guitar is no easy feat, as many of the owners refuse to part ways with them unless it is completely necessary.
Taylor guitars, are often sought after by many guitarists for its great weight, look, and feel. And the projection of sound is said to be one of the greatest in a log time. has created the best checklist for someone who is seeking to obtain one of these acousitc masterpieces, without paying an absurd price for one. It covers everything from verification to finding it on the web for a great bargain.
A cheap Taylor guitar is something to hold onto for sometime, but just remember, since you are looking for it, there will be someone else looking for one as well!
Business Credit Services
One of the many steps that is necessary when building your business is of course establishing credit. As a small business, being able to support a small or large inventory, or even approaching a larger company for bids can leave your pockets feeling the full weight of your business venture.
Having the resources available at this stage is vital to the survival and growth of your small business, and having a business credit coach, will get you on the right track to exploding growth. offers an experienced guide to establishing business credit.
Gboogie America has been established to assist business owners who are new to the field, or currently offers assistance via a toll free telephone number 888-821-6408, or via email through their website.