While your injury or underlying problem may need further evaluation and treatment by a Chiropractor or another Healthcare professional, Kinesio Tape may be just what you need to speed up healing or to allow you to compete in a critical sporting event. Although this tape is not intended for long term use (it acts as a temporary support system for an underlying problem), it can be worn for up to 3 days after its application - even in and out of the shower.
A Volleyball Player Tapes
Her Serving Arm.
Kinesio Tape has 3 main purposes:
2. Supporting the function of muscles.3. Encouraging the flow of fluids under the skin.Kinesio taping involves taping over and around effected muscles to assist/give support to the injured muscle. This allows the patient to participate in physical activities with functional assistance. Additionally, tape can be applied to prevent over contraction of a muscle. This method is often utilized during the acute stages of rehabilitation to prevent overuse and facilitate lymph flow to prevent painful swelling.
Sounds pretty cool right? Maybe it would be a better option then the thermacare heat wraps or tigerbalm patches that people love?
Find out more at their website: http://olympicwrap.blogspot.com/ or shop the online store for discounted rates at: http://astore.amazon.com/olywraandtap-20