I recall back in highschool watching the junior/senior talent show and seeing possibly a better performance. And just when I thought Chris Rock was the worst host the VMA's ever had ("Producers tellin me to stretch, keeps telling me to stretch.."), Ms. Spears managed to up-the-ante by attempting a performance too.
Lets go ahead and get our game of operation out, and begin racking up some points on this fresh steaming pile up of a performer.
Dance puppet dance! Clearly she happily put aside some time, while on leave from rehab, to come up with some dance steps. Carefully, reviewing these steps, of which were drawn on a bar napkin, she showed up to the VMA's, ready to get her agent and record company's books back into the green. I've seen my dog dance better out on the lawn when he has the runs.
Little was expected from Britney at this performance, but she went above and beyond. She chose to deliver so much "little" that the audiences befuddled looks brought viewers from home to hysterical laughter.
MTV is a dying television station who needed to thrust an arm out of the grave for one last frightful moment of attention, and it was with this now blackhole of a performer that they so chose to achieve it.
Well done MTV, you were the first to bring loud music into our homes in 1984, and now you happily enlighten the world to the functions of Rehab Dropouts. I suppose its still "breakthrough" and "revolutionary" to give us our "baby one more time" Britney back after you found it underneath the couch. Thanks, but no thanks.